Today Owen got up and 5:00am with a major tooth ache. I was so exhausted because I had went to bed last night at 1:00 in the morning. Last night I went to the hospital to see my new neice. After my sister and I went to the movies we went and saw Inkheart, we were the only two people in the theatre. Well back to Owen I sent him to school anyway and he called me from school crying around 10:00 saying how much his tooth hurt. I got him an appointment with the Dentist at 11:30. That was going to be cutting is real close because I also had a guy at my house fixing my leather couch and I had to take Logan and Taylor to Preschool at 12:30. What a busy day. The good news Owen does not have any cavities. The dentist said he must have bite on something hard or he grinds his teeth because the tooth that was bothering him is loose, it is a baby tooth but it is not ready to come out. So now we just wait and hope it gets better.
By the way my couch looks great. It took the guy almost two hours to complete the work but I am pretty happy with the results. Although I did find out that not all of my leather sectional is leather most of it is vinyl. No wonder I got such and good deal on the couch. Oh well at least I didn't invest that much money to just have my kids destroy it right.
Hey Jenn! I love the blog and what the....happened to your couch?